Copland has beaten me so far.
Copland D7E1
Haven't tested it yet.
Copland D9 "Tools Edition"
On the Power Macintosh 7100/66, at least, the CD isn't bootable. My System 7.5 CD isn't bootable either. So, I perform a somewhat modified setup procedure.
- Boot from the Mac OS 8.1 Disk Tools floppy (System Software 8.1DT3)
- Create the two HFS partitions with Drive Setup Lite
- Insert the Copland D9 CD
- Install System 7.5 to the first partition using the Copland CD's copy
- Create the
No Copland Mount
file on the first partition - Proceed as normal from there
When I boot into Copland, I get a "Failed to find main GDevice." error that I can't get past. Kickaha says my inclination that it could be related to the DB-15 adapter might be true:
All the drawing in Color QuickDraw is done through GDevice objects. If things are going correctly, the system finds all the displays, creates a GDevice for each, puts them in a list, and marks one as "current". If something goes tragically wrong, then the GDevice list will be empty or wrongly formatted. Then when a program (or even the rest of the OS) wants to start drawing, tragedy will ensue.
Gory programmer-level details at
So yes, it could be that Copland doesn't understand what to do with your VGA adapter and isn't creating a proper GDevice for it.
Copland D11E4
Testing is a work in progress. Also using the 7100/66 for this. The CD I am using is also not bootable, so I'm doing the following:
- Copy the Copland CD's version of Drive Setup to a floppy
- Boot from a bootable floppy
- Run the Drive Setup from the other floppy
- Create one HFS partition with Mac OS 8 support
- Install System 7.5 through a CD
- Run the install script as stated in the documentation