SYS3176 when starting a Win-OS/2 session

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Fixing SYS3176 when starting a Win-OS/2 session requires a patch from IBM dated 1994.

Reproduction steps

  1. Install Windows for Workgroups 3.11
  2. Install OS/2 2.1 Special Edition for Windows
  3. Attempt to start a Win-OS/2 session in any way

Seen output

A SYS3176 error dialog. It can be dismissed and does not crash the rest of the system.


Download the following and run the installer:

You don't even need to reboot the system afterwards. Do note that the installer will immediately begin replacing system files without even an "are you ready?" first.


  • The website hosting the patch labels it as being for 2.11, but it works for 2.1.
  • The readme for the patch states Windows 3.11 is affected and fixed too.
  • The readme for the patch states networking inside the Win-OS/2 session is not supported.

The readme

For customers desiring OS/2 2.1 for Windows compatibility with
Microsoft Windows 3.11, a software update is now available.
This update can be downloaded from various OS/2 forums on
bulletin boards that include OS2BBS, Prodigy, and Compuserve.
The name of this software update is WIN311.ZIP.  The purpose
of this update is to enable OS/2 2.1 for Windows to interoperate
with Microsoft Windows 3.11.  This update applies to OS/2 2.1
for Windows, CSD level XR02011, as well as CSD level XR06300,
which is the level that results from applying ServicePak XR06300
to OS/2 2.1 for Windows.  This update is also required in
order for OS/2 2.1 for Windows to interoperate with Microsoft
Windows for Workgroups* 3.11.
WIN311.ZIP is not a general-purpose servicepak for OS/2 2.1
for Windows.  It is a software update built off of a
development level of code that necessarily includes some amount
of maintenance.  OS/2 2.1 for Windows users who do not have
Windows 3.11 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11 installed do not
require this update.  Applying this update allows users who
have Windows 3.11 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11 installed to
interact with Windows 3.11 from an OS/2 environment.  Installation
of this code on your OS/2 for Windows system does not affect
the operation of Win 3.11 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11 on a
DOS system.  The networking functions of Windows for Workgroups
3.11 are available via the OS/2 for Windows dual boot capability
to the native DOS and Windows for Workgroups environment.
Applying this update does not make the Windows for Workgroups
networking functions available to the OS/2 for Windows
Because this update is being made available "as is," no service
entitlement number has been included with the package.
This update is available world-wide in national language versions.
Customers may make as many copies of WIN311.ZIP as they have
licensed copies of OS/2 2.1 for Windows.
*Windows and Windows for Workgroups are trademarks of the
 Microsoft Corporation.

External links