Neopets Mobile strings

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See the main article: Neopets Mobile


from argparse import ArgumentParser

def unpack_text(location: str):
    with open(location, 'rb') as file:
        archive_count = int.from_bytes(, 'big')
        archive_lengths = [int.from_bytes(, 'big')
                           for _ in range(archive_count)]
        assert archive_count == 1, 'only one archive supported currently'
        archive_size = int.from_bytes(, 'big')
        for i in range(53):
            entries = int.from_bytes(, 'big')
            print(f'Segment {i}, with {entries} entries')
            for j in range(entries):
                length = int.from_bytes(, 'big')
                string ='utf-8')
                print(f'{j}: "{string}"')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = ArgumentParser(description='Retrieve text from r069.pak')
    parser.add_argument('location', default='r069.pak')
    args = parser.parse_args()

The strings

Segment 0, with 8 entries
0: "Food"
1: "Object"
2: "Type: "
3: "Weight: "
4: " Lbs"
5: "Rarity: "
6: "Est.Value: "
7: " NP"

Segment 1, with 1 entries
0: "Mobile number:"

Segment 2, with 6 entries
0: "x.2"
1: "x.3"
2: "x.4"
3: "x.5"
4: "x.6"
5: "x.7"

Segment 3, with 6 entries
0: "Pet Central"
1: "Explore"
2: "Games"
3: "Talisman"
4: "Options"
5: "Sync & Quit"

Segment 4, with 7 entries
0: "Create A Pet"
1: "Explore"
2: "Games"
3: "Talisman"
4: "Options"
5: "Quit"
6: "Select Species"

Segment 5, with 6 entries
0: "Pet Central"
1: "Explore"
2: "Games"
3: "Talisman"
4: "Options"
5: "Quit"

Segment 6, with 8 entries
0: "SOUND"
4: "HELP"
5: "ABOUT"

Segment 7, with 6 entries
0: "SOUND"
2: "HELP"
3: "ABOUT"

Segment 8, with 2 entries
0: " [ OFF ]"
1: " [ ON ]"

Segment 9, with 4 entries
0: "."
1: "Your Items"
2: "Switch Pet"
3: "Create A Pet"

Segment 10, with 19 entries
0: "Invite NeoFriend"
1: "Enter Referrer"
2: "Help"
3: "During each session you can invite one NeoFriend to download Neopets Mobile.
You don't have any NeoFriends yet. :("
4: "Earn beads for your Lutari Talisman by inviting your friends to play Neopets Mobile."
5: "Oops...
You can only send one Neomail per session!"
6: "During each session you can invite one NeoFriend to download Neopets Mobile.
You don't have any NeoFriends yet. :("
7: "During each session you can invite one NeoFriend to download Neopets Mobile."
8: "Invite your friends to Neopets Mobile.
You can refer them at, by SMS or Neomail.

If they download the game and enter your Neopets username as their referrer, you will earn a bead for your Lutari Talisman."
9: "Open Contacts"
10: "Message sent to 
11: "Error sending message to
12: "
13: "Sending text message"
14: "You have chosen to send a message to
15: "
It will be sent the next time you synchronize.

Send message?"
16: "You have already sent "
17: " an invitation to play Neopets Mobile.
Send another?"
18: " has already registered to play Neopets Mobile."

Segment 11, with 8 entries
0: "If you received a message recommending Neopets Mobile, enter twice the username of the person that referred you."
1: "If you can't remember the username of the person that referred you right now, you can enter it later."
2: "Connecting to Neopets Server."
3: "Sorry, that username could not be found. Try again?"
4: "You must first create a account before you can enter your referrer's username.
5: "Since your last session, one or more users have accepted your invitation to join Neopets Mobile, earning you beads for your Lutari Talisman."
6: "Sorry,
you cannot refer yourself!"
7: "Thank you.We have already received the name of the person that you referred."

Segment 12, with 2 entries
0: "Invite by SMS"
1: "Invite by Neomail"

Segment 13, with 8 entries
4: "BOG OF

Segment 14, with 8 entries

Segment 15, with 19 entries
0: "Species:
1: "Colour:
2: "Gender:
3: "Age:
4: "Level:
5: "Health:
6: "Mood:
7: "Hunger:
8: "Strength:
9: "Defense:
10: "Move:
11: "Intelligence:
12: "Your Neopet
13: "has a Petpet
14: "Level
15: "has a Petpetpet
16: "Your Petpet
17: " Hour(s)"
18: " Day(s)"

Segment 16, with 2 entries
0: "Yes"
1: "No"

Segment 17, with 2 entries
0: "Male"
1: "Female"

Segment 18, with 4 entries
0: "GREEN"
1: "RED"
3: "BLUE"

Segment 19, with 4 entries
0: "Kacheek"
1: "Kougra"
2: "Shoyru"
3: "Lutari"

Segment 20, with 2 entries
0: "Active Neopet"
1: "Switch to..."

Segment 21, with 19 entries
0: "Account Status"
1: "Deposit"
2: "Withdraw"
3: "Collect Interest"
4: "Account Type:"
5: "Balance: "
6: "Interest Rate: "
7: "Daily Interest: "
8: "Enter an amount to deposit:"
9: "Enter an amount to withdraw:"
10: "New Balance
11: "You have already collected your interest today."
12: "You collected "
13: " NP of interest."
14: "Oops...
You need to deposit some Neopoints before you can collect any interest!"
15: "You don't have enough Neopoints to withdraw that amount!"
16: "You don't have enough Neopoints to deposit that amount!"
17: "Junior Saver"
18: "Junior Saver"

Segment 22, with 12 entries
0: "Visit"
1: "Donate"
2: "Help"
3: "To donate Neopoints to the Bog of Charity, enter an amount below:"
4: "You don't have that many Neopoints!"
5: "Thanks for your donation.
May good fortune shine upon you."
6: "Click an item to grab it, but don't be too greedy!"
7: "Oops! Too late!
Somebody took the item while you were pondering."
8: "Yeah! You got it!"
9: "You've already collected from the Bog of Charity.
Wait a while and let others have a go."
10: "The Lutarians think you're being greedy.
Wait a while before trying again!"
11: "We hope you enjoy your free gift."

Segment 23, with 14 entries
0: "Buy Item"
1: "Help"
2: "The Shopkeeper says,
"I want at least "
3: " Neopoints for this great item.""
4: "Enter amount"
5: "The Shopkeeper says,
"You don't have that kind of money. Get out of my shop!""
6: "The Shopkeeper says,
"I accept your offer of "
7: " Neopoints!""
8: "The Shopkeeper says,
"I won't take less than "
9: " Neopoints for it.""
10: "SOLD OUT!
Maybe you should haggle less."
11: "The Shopkeeper says,
"I don't think you want to pay THAT much!""
12: "Sorry, we are all sold out.
Please try later!"
13: "You bargain well!

Segment 24, with 2 entries
0: "Click on an item to take a closer look."
1: "Price="

Segment 25, with 33 entries
0: "Lutango"
1: "Coconut stand"
2: "Lutari Cocojuice"
3: "Weebly"
4: "Bottled Earth Faerie"
5: "Sparkling Bog Water"
6: "Lutari Grundo Plushie"
7: "Glistening Lutari Helmet"
8: "Happy Lutari Stamp"
9: "Lutari Tonu Plushie"
10: "Lutari Kacheek Plushie"
11: "Lutari Island Feather"
12: "Eo Codestone"
13: "Lutari Feathered Bed"
14: "Lutari Feathered Chair"
15: "Lutari Feathered Dresser"
16: "Tribal Makeup Set"
17: "Fresh Bamboo chair"
18: "Blue Sandcastle Kit"
19: "Lutari Paint Brush"
20: "Floobix"
21: "Bottled Air Faerie"
22: "Bottled Water Faerie"
23: "Water Faerie Hair Clip"
24: "Har Codestone"
25: "Rainbow Lutari Cone"
26: "Krakuberry Juice"
27: "Lutari Battle Strategies"
28: "Main Codestone"
29: "Lutari Battle Torch"
30: "Glistening Lutari Sword"
31: "Lutari Uni Stamp"
32: " Neopoints"

Segment 26, with 9 entries
0: "Heal"
1: "Check Health"
2: "Help"
3: "Your Neopet is in good health."
4: "The healing powers of the Fluorescent Pools have been used up.
Please try again later."
5: "Your Neopet has been fully healed!"
6: "Your Neopet regains full hit points, and is not hungry anymore."
7: "Your Neopet gains "
8: " hit point(s)."

Segment 27, with 3 entries
0: "Courses"
1: "Help"
2: "The Survival Academy is currently closed. Please try later."

Segment 28, with 5 entries
0: "Strength"
1: "Defense"
2: "Agility"
3: "Endurance"
4: "Level"

Segment 29, with 4 entries
0: "Play"
1: "Help"
2: "Oops!
You can only play the Wheel of Happiness once every 30 mins!"
3: "Oops!
You need 100NP to spin the Wheel of Happiness. :("

Segment 30, with 11 entries
0: "10,000"
1: "Evil"
2: "1000"
3: "Feather"
4: "Lose NP"
5: "Whoops"
6: "500"
7: "Happy"
8: "Item"
9: "Heal"
10: "250"

Segment 31, with 12 entries
0: "Congratulations!
You've just won 10,000 Neopoints!"
1: "The Night Dweller attacks and steals your PetPet!"
2: "Congratulations!
You've just won 1,000 Neopoints!"
3: "A feather floats from the sky.
Hmm...perhaps it has a use?"
4: "The Night Dweller attacks and steals "
5: "You trip and fall while watching the wheel spin, losing half your hit points."
6: "Congratulations!
You've just won 500 Neopoints!"
7: "Your Neopet is now delighted!"
8: "Congratulations!
You won a "
9: "Your Neopet has been fully healed!"
10: "Congratulations!
You've just won 250 Neopoints."
11: " Neopoints!"

Segment 32, with 3 entries
0: "If you own 2 or more Neopets, this option allows you to switch between them."
1: " "
2: "You currently own 1 Neopet."

Segment 33, with 18 entries
0: "You are not on a quest.
I will be sure to call on you when I need your assistance."
1: "Briana says,
2: "

"Have you completed my quest?""
3: ""Congratulations!
You have completed my quest.
4: ""
5: ""
6: "Please bring me my
7: "Train "
8: "'s level to "
9: "'s strength to "
10: "'s defense to "
11: "'s move to "
12: "Read some books to "
13: " and increase their intelligence to "
14: " feels faster!""
15: "Take this "
16: " as a reward.""
17: "Here's 250 Neopoints for your trouble!""

Segment 34, with 6 entries
2: "NAME"
3: "Month (01-12)"
4: "Day (01-31)"
5: "Year (Eg. 1987)"

Segment 35, with 12 entries
0: "Blockstravaganza!"
1: "Go Go Lutari!"
2: " "
3: "Easy"
4: "Medium"
5: "Hard"
6: "Game Over

7: "Your score has earned you "
8: "You have already sent your score 10 times today. You can send scores for this game again tomorrow."
9: " Neopoint(s)."
10: "If you sign up for a account, you can earn Neopoints when you play a game."
11: "Plays today: "

Segment 36, with 4 entries
0: "Where is the Island?"
1: "Why does it drift?"
2: "Inhabitants"
3: "Explore Lutari Island"

Segment 37, with 158 entries
0: "Lutari Island is home to colourful birds that inspire us to adorn ourselves with their feathers.
We sleep during the day and are active at night, so we wear glowing paint to make it easier to find each other."
1: "Even we islanders haven't solved this mystery yet, but perhaps in time we will."
2: "Lutari Island is very difficult to find. I'm surprised you made it!
Our island is a great floating mass that drifts with the sea, so its location cannot be charted.
Many explorers search for our island, but for most the quest is in vain."
3: "Lutari Island is unlike anywhere else in Neopia.
Choose a topic below to learn more."
4: "My name is Erin and I'll be your guide during your stay.
We don't often find strangers on these shores, but those who make it are most welcome."
5: "Welcome to Lutari Island.
Would you like to learn more?"
6: "Choose a topic to learn more about our wonderful island."
7: "Step up for the Wheel of Happiness...only 100NP a go!"
8: "Visit Island Gossip every day to get the latest news from around Neopia!"
9: "The Survival Academy is where we learn the skills required to survive the wilds of island life.
Only feathers are accepted as payment. You can find them by exploring Lutari Island."
10: "The Bog of Charity is where generous islanders leave their excess goods for those in need, ensuring a high quality of life for everyone.
See what you can find, but don't be too
11: "The Bog of Charity is where generous islanders leave their excess goods for those in need, ensuring a high quality of life for everyone.
You never know what you might find!"
12: "The Fluorescent Pools are as beautiful as they are beneficial.
So sit back and be rejuvenated."
13: "The Island Market is where you can buy food, gifts and the occasional magical item.
You can haggle prices lower by talking to the shopkeeper, but don't haggle for too long because items can sell out quickly!"
14: "It's so difficult to get to our island, we built our own branch of the National Neopian Bank here on Lutari Island."
15: "Occasionally, Briana the Air Faerie requests the assistance of a brave Neopian.
During your travels on Lutari Island, she may come to you for help!"
16: "You don't have any NeoFriends yet :( Please visit the Neomail page on to add some."
17: "If you enjoy Neopets Mobile, why not spread the word and tell your friends about this exciting new way to visit Neopia?
When they decide to sign up, you will earn an exclusive reward.
Every time a friend accepts your invitation to register on Neopets Mobile, you'll receive a special coloured bead!
You can either use it with your Lutari Talisman or trade it with other players.
Each type of bead comes with its own kind of benefit.
Depending on the colour of your talisman's beads, your ability to perform certain Neopian tasks will receive a powerful boost."
18: "I see you don't have an account yet.
Please visit our main branch in Neopia Central on to create one."
19: "Use navigation key to move. Click the navigation key to select. Use the left and right selection key to Select, Cancel, or Go Back to previous menus."
20: "**ABOUT**
Neopets(tm) for mobile
© 2006 Neopets, Inc.
© 2006 In-Fusio"
21: "**CREDITS**

Neopets and all characters, logos, names and related indicia are trademarks of Neopets, Inc. NEOPETS is a MTV Networks Company. ® denotes U.S. Pat. & TM office. Neopets, Inc. © 2006

Concept, Art and Creative Design by The Neopets Team and the In-Fusio team.

In-Fusio team:
Game designer:
Peter Hodbod

Graphic artist:
Maciej Borcz
Lionel Gischler

Michel Janicki

Server Programmers:
Sebastien Iniesta
Thomas Soule

Grégoire Soubrie
Marie-Louise Jaouen
Olivier Bonnemaison
Dan Westmoreland

Product manager:
Matthieu Saint Denis

Eric Thommerot
Jen O'Brien

Business Dev.
and License Director:
Julian Corbett

Executive producers:
Jerome Schurch
John Newcomer

Special Thanks:
Lee Borth
Miriam Lewis
Calyn Reinhart
Scott Marcus
Matthew Byrnes
Adam Powell
Donna Williams
Kaycee Harnum
Keith Tiernan
...and The Neopets team! :)"
22: "Turn sound ON?"
23: "Please wait while we verify your username and password with the Neopets web server."
24: "Unable to connect to mobile internet at this time.
25: "Welcome to Lutari Island!"
26: "Congratulations!
Your Neopet has been born."
27: "Oops! - You can't have more than 4 Neopets."
28: "Leaving Lutari Island.
See you again soon!"
29: "Are you sure you want to quit?"
30: "Sorry, this username has been taken.
Here are some suggestions:"
31: "Sorry, this Neopet name has been taken.
Here are some suggestions:"
32: "Sorry, this password can't be used."
33: "Sorry, this username can't be used."
34: "Sorry, this name can't be used."
35: "Welcome, "
36: "         Pet: "
37: "         Neopoints: "
38: "Neopoints: "
39: "         Bank Balance: "
40: " Neopoints"
41: "Game Over"
42: "STAGE "
43: "  STAGE"
45: "GO"
46: "Kacheeks are a shy species that avoid violence and love making friends.

Choose me?"
47: "Kougras were discovered in the forests of Mystery Island.
They love coconut bowling and pouncing on each other.

Choose me?"
48: "The Shoyru is a fiery little creature. Treat him right and you'll have a friend for life.

Choose me?"
49: "Lutaris are playful Neopets who love to swim, climb, and are uniquely designed for sliding down slippery surfaces.

Choose me?"
50: "Enter a name for your Neopet:"
51: "Please enter the following details to sign up with
It's really simple and takes only a few moments."
52: "Your Birthday"
53: "These are your Neopet's strengths and weaknesses.

54: "Health:
55: "

56: "

57: "

58: "

59: "

60: "

Press RETRY to re-roll, or OK to finish creating your Neopet."
61: "Oops!
You have no rolls left.

62: "

Click OK to finish creating your pet."
63: "Oops, the date you entered is not a valid date.
Please re-enter your date of birth."
64: " cms"
65: " lbs"
66: "has finished training."
67: "Congratulations!
68: " now has increased "
69: "strength!"
70: "defense!"
71: "agility!"
72: "endurance!"
73: "level!"
74: "


75: "You went up
76: " points!"
77: "
is suffering from
78: "

To cure them, give them this item:
79: "Synchronizing"
80: "Please wait..."
81: "Synchronization complete!"
82: "You do not have any items."
83: "You must create a Neopet before you can explore all of Lutari Island.
Would you like to create one now?"
84: "Select Gender"
85: "Select Colour"
86: "Enter your new details below"
87: "Sorry, we did not find an account with that username.
Retry ?"
88: "Neopets, the greatest virtual pet site on the Internet, is now on your mobile phone!
If you have a web account, press LOGIN to download your existing account info.
If you don't, press SIGNUP to create a new account."
89: "To retrieve your pet, enter your username and password below."
90: "Sorry, that username could not be found :("
91: "RETRY or CANCEL to return to main menu."
92: "Blockstravaganza! Help

Use the cursor to switch the positions of the blocks, creating rows and columns of the same colour.
Matching blocks correctly will destroy them, earning you points and extra time before the next row falls.
Create chains of matched blocks for bonus multipliers.
When the game is over your score will be converted to Neopoints.
Navigation key or 2,4,6,8
Select or 5
Switch Blocks
0 = New Row"
93: "Go Go Lutari! Help

Race between the many locations on Lutari Island, avoiding obstacles, and collecting items for bonus points.
Left, Right or 4,6
Speed up /Slow Down
Up or 2
Jump, Double jump
When the game is over your score will be converted to Neopoints."
94: " "
95: "Discard
96: "
says, "I feel smarter!""
97: "
says, "I've read that book already!""
98: "
says, "That is like, such a boring book!""
99: "
says, "This is fun!""
100: "
says, "Those are SO boring!""
101: "
says, "What a cool instrument.""
102: "
says, "Those are SO boring!""
103: "
says, "Mmmm, delicious!""
104: "
says, "I'm not eating one of those!""
105: "
says, "Urrgh, I feel ill...""
106: "
says, "I feel so much better.""
107: "
says, "Uggh, that's not the right medicine.""
108: "
says, "Hey, I'm not ill?""
109: " feels dizzy, as they are transformed..."
110: " Your Neopet has been fully healed!"
111: " "
112: "
says, "Thanks, I needed that.""
113: "
says, "I've had enough grooming for now.""
114: "To use this item, please visit"
115: "Items placed in Deposit Box can only be viewed on
116: "The doctor is examining your Neopet to find the cause of illness.
Please try back later!"
117: "Sorry, you can only hold 50 items at one time!"
118: "Oops! You only can put 15 items in your Deposit Box per session."
119: "I love my new Petpet"
120: "AARGH! Get it away from me!"
121: "I already have a Petpet!"
122: "Enter a username and password:"
123: "Pause"
124: "Neopet Lvl: "
125: "Length: "
126: " hrs"
127: "Training 
your Neopet
will cost "
128: " feather(s)."
129: "Oops..
you need
130: " feather(s)
to train your Neopet."
131: "
is training
132: "

Time Remaining:
133: "You cannot train a statistic to above twice your pet's level.
Please increase your pet's level first!"
134: "You must train your pet's level to half its endurance before you can train strength, defense or agility!"
135: "Endurance cannot go above three times your pet's level.
Please increase your pet's level first!"
136: "There is nothing left for me to teach a warrior of such skill.
You must seek training elsewhere."
137: "..REACHED.."
138: "..WELL DONE!.."
139: "Something has happened!
140: "A small Petpet, unlike any you've ever seen before, runs out from behind a tree. It wants to be friends! :)"
141: "You found a bottled Air Faerie"
142: "A feather floats down of the air. Hmm...perhaps it has a use?"
143: "The Night Dweller appears and steals one of your items."
144: "Congratulations! You just found "
145: " Neopoints!"
146: "Your Neopet is hungry, and would love a "
147: "
You can buy one at the Island Market. :)"
148: "Would you like to enter Practice Mode or start a new session? (In Practice Mode, you cannot earn or spend Neopoints.)"
149: "Sorry, Island Gossip is unavailable during Practice Mode!"
150: "Sorry, this is action is not possible in Practice Mode."
151: "Note:

Items used in Practice Mode may not work as they should.
152: "Remove Petpet?"
153: "Loading resources from the network will take some time when you first launch the game."
154: "An error occurred while loading resources from the Web. Please try again."
155: "Oops! - You can't have more than 5 Neopets accounts."
156: "To create and download a Neopet to your mobile phone, Neopets Mobile must connect to
To do this you must enable Internet access on your phone."
157: " is already running a mobile game session."

Segment 38, with 14 entries
1: "master genius"
2: "total genius"
3: "mega genius"
4: "super genius"
5: "genius"
6: "brilliant"
7: "very clever"
8: "clever"
9: "bright"
10: "above average"
11: "average"
12: "dull"
13: "dim witted"

Segment 39, with 10 entries
0: "delighted"
1: "joyful"
2: "extremely happy"
3: "cheerful"
4: "happy"
5: "content"
6: "unhappy"
7: "miserable"
8: "very unhappy"
9: "depressed"

Segment 40, with 12 entries
0: "very bloated"
1: "bloated"
2: "very full"
3: "full up"
4: "satiated"
5: "fine"
6: "not hungry"
7: "hungry"
8: "very hungry"
9: "famished"
10: "starving"
11: "dying"

Segment 41, with 13 entries
0: "pathetic"
1: "very weak"
2: "weak"
3: "frail"
4: "average"
5: "quite strong"
6: "strong"
7: "very strong"
8: "great"
9: "immense"
10: "titanic"
11: "herculean"
12: "GREAT"

Segment 42, with 18 entries
0: "defenseless"
1: "naked"
2: "vulnerable"
3: "very poor"
4: "poor"
5: "below average"
6: "average"
7: "armoured"
8: "tough"
9: "heavy"
10: "very heavy"
11: "steel plate"
12: "bulletproof"
13: "semi-demi-godly"
14: "demi-godly"
15: "godly"
16: "beyond godly"
17: "GREAT"

Segment 43, with 19 entries
0: "hardly moves"
1: "snails pace"
2: "lazy"
3: "very slow"
4: "slow"
5: "quite slow"
6: "average"
7: "fast"
8: "speedy"
9: "super fast"
10: "super speedy"
11: "breakneck"
12: "cheetah"
13: "lightning"
14: "mach 1"
15: "mach 2"
16: "mach 3"
17: "mach 4"
18: "GREAT"

Segment 44, with 4 entries
0: "Play"
1: "Scores"
2: "Help"
3: "Personal Best"

Segment 45, with 13 entries
2: "BLESS"
6: "FEED"
7: "GIVE"
8: "GROOM"
9: "PLAY"
10: "PLAY"
11: "READ"

Segment 46, with 2 entries
0: "Controls"
1: "About Lutari Island"

Segment 47, with 3 entries
0: "NEXT"
1: "SCORE"
2: "LEVEL"

Segment 48, with 25 entries
0: "Back"
1: "Quit"
2: "Ok"
3: "Create"
4: "Cancel"
5: "Next"
6: "Back"
7: "Buy"
8: "Buy"
9: "Retry"
10: "Yes"
11: "No"
12: "Delete"
13: "Start"
14: "Login"
15: "Signup"
16: "Ok"
17: "Action"
18: "Pause"
19: "Resume"
20: "Quit"
21: "Remove"
22: "Select"
23: "Practice"
24: "New"

Segment 49, with 5 entries
0: "English"
1: "Français"
2: "Deutsch"
3: "Italiano"
4: "Español"

Segment 50, with 7 entries
0: "Page "
1: " has invited you to play Neopets Mobile. To download the game please visit your carrier game portal or visit"
2: "STAGE: "
3: "SCORE: "
4: "You have entered
5: "
as your referrer.

Please ensure this username is correct.  There are millions of users on Neopets, so misspelling it could mean someone else gets your reward.
You can only enter your referrer once, and one submitted can't be changed or undone.
Neopets Customer Care or your Operator will not be able to help you if you made a mistake when entering your referrer's username.
For all other customer care issues, email

6: "If you clicked on a friend's referral link, your Lutari Talisman bead will be automatically awarded.
If you need to enter your friend's username, click NEXT.  (If you are not sure, you can always come back later to do this.)"

Segment 51, with 4 entries
1: "SOUND"
3: "QUIT"

Segment 52, with 1 entries
0: "You are currently not subscribed to this game service.
To gain access to this game, you can download the game and subscribe to this game service again from your operator portal."